Zita Eve's Email Address and Phone Number

Volunteer at ACE AFRICA

Zita Eve is a(n) Volunteer working at ACE AFRICA.

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Other employees at ACE AFRICA

VKVictor Kokello
Monitoring and Evaluation OfficerACE AFRICA
 @ace….orgGet contact
DADennis Amonde
Deputy Country Director and Head of Monitoring & Evaluation and ResearchACE AFRICA
 @ace….orgGet contact
GNGoodhope Ntalaluka
M&E Technical SupportACE AFRICA
 @ace….orgGet contact
DEDavid Evans
UK Country DirectorACE AFRICA
 @ace….orgGet contact
ANAbdul Nsolezi
Child Right and Counselling OfficerACE AFRICA
 @ace….orgGet contact
KSKelvin Simwa
Monitoring and Evaluation OfiicerACE AFRICA
 @ace….orgGet contact
RORodgers Okoth
Counselor TrainerACE AFRICA
 @ace….orgGet contact
DODickson Okello
 @ace….orgGet contact
OJOlivia Jarman
Fundraising & Communications OfficerACE AFRICA
 @ace….orgGet contact
CSCharles Shiraku
project accountantACE AFRICA
 @ace….orgGet contact
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