Michael Lane's Email Address and Phone Number

Executive Assistant, Office of the Vice President, Finance and Controller at Columbia University in the City of New York

Michael Lane is a(n) Executive Assistant, Office of the Vice President, Finance and Controller working at Columbia University in the City of New York.

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Other employees at Columbia University in the City of New York

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Communications and Public AffairsColumbia University in the City of New York
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CLChang Lee @col….eduGet contact
KHKatia Halabi @col….eduGet contact
AWAnne Witkavitch
Lecturer, M.S. Strategic Communication Executive ProgramColumbia University
 @col….eduGet contact
VTVivian Taylor
Associate Dean for Diversity and Cultural AffairsColumbia University School of Nursing
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RFReva Feinstein
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JEJudy Ed.d. @col….eduGet contact
JTJacquelyn Taylor @col….edu(212) Get contact
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