Baker College Email Format


Company Profile

Baker College is a Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes company. Baker College SIC code is 8222 and NAICS code is 611210.

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United States
3000 employees

Baker College Employees

JSJacqui Spicer
Chief Operating OfficerBaker College
 @baker.eduGet contact
CMChuck Mba
Vice President, Enrollment Baker College
 @baker.eduGet contact
BWBarbara Withenshaw
Administrative AssistantBaker College Get contact
FPFaith Perryman Get contact
LBLisa Bergquist
Adjunct instructorBaker College Get contact
AEAmr Elchouem
ProfessorBaker College Get contact
RPRick Pertler
ProfessorBaker College Get contact
MLMark Lalewicz
Full Time StudentBaker College Get contact
BKBarbara Krygel
Director of Counseling and AdvisingBaker College Get contact
JCJowanne Carrigan
Police OfficerBaker College Get contact
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